Homegrown: Your Backyard Garden Podcast
Grow a successful vegetable garden, no matter where you live.
Homegrown: Your Backyard Garden Podcast
What To Do With Green Tomatoes in the Fall
If you're growing tomatoes in your backyard vegetable garden, you'll probably have green tomatoes left on your plants at the end of the season. If you're wondering what you can do with those green tomatoes, you'll appreciate these suggestions to ripen your green tomatoes before the first fall frost, and to get the most out of your harvest.
Can you make your green tomatoes turn red? Can you save your tomato plants from frost? What can you do with green tomatoes? You'll find out in this episode.
Click here for your free Tomato Tips cheatsheet
https://bit.ly/tomatocheatsheet so you can grow incredible tomatoes!
Transcript/Related Post:
What to Do With Green Tomatoes in the Fall - https://bit.ly/usegreentomatoes
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